The story of the Red Dot Award
The Red Dot Award was founded in 1955 by a group of German designers and business people who wanted to recognize and celebrate design excellence. They believed that design was an essential factor in the development of technology and growth and that it was important to recognize design that was both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
The founders of the Red Dot Award wanted to create an international award that would support designers and companies in their efforts to create innovative and sustainable products. They also wanted to serve as a platform to foster collaboration between designers, companies and other relevant stakeholders.
In the early years of the award, it was awarded in a number of categories including furniture, textiles, toys and other consumer products. Since then, the Red Dot Award has expanded its reach to include product, communication and design concepts, attracting thousands of entrants from around the world.
Image by J. Walsh under the Creative Commons 2.0 License, March 1, 2014.